Faith Gibson is a multi-genre author who lives outside Nashville, Tennessee with the love of her life, and her four-legged best friend. She strongly believes that love is love, and there's not enough love in the world. Faith writes mostly paranormal romance, having found her niche. She does have some contemporary and MM books as well.
Faith is a lover of music, and once upon a time, wanted to be a drummer in a rock band. That didn't pan out, but she still taps her hands along to whatever song is playing.
Faith began writing in high school and over the years, penning many stories, song lyrics, and poems. When her dreams continued to get crazier than the one before, she decided to keep a dream journal. Many of these night-time escapades have led to a line, a chapter, and even a complete story. You won't find her books in only one genre, but they will all have one thing in common: a happy ending.
When asked what her purpose in life is, Faith will say it's to entertain the masses. Even if it's one person at a time. When Faith isn't hard at work on her next story, she can be found playing with her American Staffordshire pup, Luna, or reading.